Announcing General Availability of Presto-as-a-Service

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April 29, 2014 by Updated May 9th, 2024


Presto Ready! We announced our Presto-as-a-Service Alpha Program on Amazon Web Services back in January. Now, we’re offering general availability after our alpha tests gave us the green light. Presto, in case you’re not already familiar with it, is an open-source distributed SQL query engine created by Facebook for running fast interactive queries at a petabyte-scale. And, we do mean fast! Check out our performance benchmark which shows a 2 to 7.5 speedup in query execution over Hive queries on Amazon Web Services’ S3:

Presto versus Hive Performance

Qubole™, a leading provider of the next-generation cloud Big Data platform, announced today its new Presto-as-a-Service Alpha Program on Amazon Web Services.

The reason Presto is so blazing fast compared to Hive is that it does not use MapReduce. All processing is in memory to significantly reduce processing latency. If you’re looking for running ad-hoc analytics so that business users can perform real-time analytics, Presto can process simple queries in just a few hundred milliseconds or handle more complex queries in just a few minutes. Plus, Presto is ANSI SQL compatible, meaning it’s easy to use and can support data sources such as Hive, HBase, and even relational databases!

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Read Hadoop in the Cloud: Qubole shows 2x – 8x speedup in performance over Apache Hadoop