Webinar Recap: Democratizing Big Data

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October 1, 2015 by Updated May 1st, 2024


Big data projects can offer a lot to businesses, and the impact that comes from them may affect every employee. Managing and amplifying that impact becomes a vital step to big data success, and the best way to achieve it is to make the data widely accessible within the organization, while also making sure it is packaged in such a way for the target audience to make sense of it all. In other words, to be successful with big data projects, the data has to be democratized. Connecting a wide variety of employees and departments to the data is no easy task, which is why representatives from Qubole, 451 Research Group, and MarketShare got together to present a special webinar on the subject. Their insights can help organizations solve the challenges that often accompany the democratization of big data.

One of the presenters was Matt Aslett, the Research Director at 451 Research Group. Aslett discussed the trends his organization has discovered in how companies are tackling big data projects and how they relate to democratizing big data. He spoke at length of how instrumental Hadoop has been in allowing greater data access across an organization. The downside is that Hadoop requires data expertise to be on-hand, but thanks to growing trends in self-service analytics and cloud computing, the goal of getting more people involved with the data within a big data project is now much easier to achieve.

Abhijit Rs, the Lead Data Architect at MarketShare, was up next to offer his unique marketing perspective on how different people within the company needed insights derived from big data to reach their goals. He detailed how the typical industry approach to analytics workflow doesn’t work as well as the process becomes more and more automated. He then went over how to build an automated end-to-end backend pipeline, complete with an intervention framework. Such a construction does need to be monitored and tweaked from time to time, with features added in order to improve the whole system.

Minesh Patel, the Sr. Solutions Architect at Qubole, rounded out the presentation with a brief demo of the technology and service offered by Qubole that has helped MarketShare and other businesses to achieve their aims of democratizing big data. Patel went over Qubole’s analyze page, how to collaborate with others and send links to data analysis, how to set up clusters, and how to best use Spark Notebook. The ease with which all of this can be done makes democratizing big data a reachable goal, one that many organizations should pursue.

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