Qubole On-Demand – Data Engineering Demo

At Qubole, we’re excited to introduce you to our powerful job scheduler that seamlessly integrates with Spark notebooks, enabling you to schedule tasks effortlessly. Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll gain from watching this video:

  1. Automated Job Scheduling:
    • Easily schedule Spark notebook executions on a daily, hourly, or cron basis, saving you time and effort.
  2. Cost Savings and Efficiency:
    • Our scheduler auto-launches clusters when needed and terminates them when idle, ensuring optimal resource utilization and cost savings.
  3. Alerting and Monitoring:
    • Receive notifications via email or PagerDuty if job executions fail, empowering you to maintain operational efficiency.
  4. Advanced Pipeline Orchestration:
    • For more complex data engineering pipelines, explore the capabilities of Airflow clusters for orchestrating workflows seamlessly.
  5. Data Integration and Connectivity: 
    • Qubole simplifies data ingestion from multiple sources, including MySQL databases, streamlining your data pipeline.
  6. Performance Optimization:
    • Access comprehensive monitoring and troubleshooting tools, such as Spark UI and YARN, to optimize performance and enhance productivity.
  7. Dynamic Cluster Management: 
    • Benefit from Qubole’s ephemeral clusters that scale up and down based on workload demands, ensuring cost efficiency and performance.
  8. Spot Instance Utilization:
    • Leverage spot instances for significant cost savings without compromising on performance, thanks to Qubole’s intelligent platform.
  9. Governance and Security:
    • Ensure data and cost governance with fine-grained access control and financial governance features, empowering you to manage resources efficiently.
  10. Insightful Cost Analysis:
    • Gain deep insights into your cloud spend with Qubole’s Cost Explorer, enabling you to attribute costs accurately and optimize resource allocation.

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