Announcing Presto Summit India on September 05, 2019

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July 31, 2019 by Updated March 29th, 2024

We are super excited to announce the first-ever Presto Summit in India on September 05, 2019, with Presto Co-Founders – Martin, David, and Dain!

This is a summit for all the fans of Presto, the fastest-growing distributed SQL-on-anything engine. The Presto Summit Bangalore 2019 is the first-ever in India with the goal of bringing together Presto users and developers in an all-day interactive event, with keynote talks from Presto co-founders – Martin, David, and Dain, and Apache Hive co-founder Joydeep Sen Sarma. In addition, there will be talks from Presto developers and open source contributors from some of the top data-driven companies that leverage the power of Presto today.  The talks will cover various aspects of Presto ranging from usage scenarios, architectural patterns, and internal design which would interest developers, to end-user topics such as optimizing queries, deciding the right configs, and much more.

Let us know if you can join us! Space is limited – please RSVP here to reserve your seat.

We are also currently accepting talk proposal submissions. Click here to submit an abstract (250-400 words) for your talk (40 minutes).

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